"Easy" cycle tours
Although you enjoy cycling, do you prefer shorter and flatter routes and would still like to book a cycle tour? No problem, you will find the ideal cycle tour for your level of ambition under the category "easy". Without much effort, you can enjoy the beautiful landscape from the saddle of your bike. You can still do without your car and enjoy the fresh air. Would you rather cycle through Austria, Germany, Italy or France? You are spoilt for choice - have fun!

"Medium" cycle tours
Do you enjoy cycling and integrate it into your everyday life? We're glad to hear that, because our cycle tours with the "medium" category are aimed precisely at these occasional cyclists. Here, the emphasis is not on exertion or exercise, but on enjoyment and exploring new countries, cities and landscapes. Even though small climbs and hills await you from time to time on these cycle routes, they are easy to overcome and only last for a short time.

"Challenging" cycle tours
Are you a passionate cyclist and often like to go on a big cycle tour at the weekend? This statement applies to you? Then you clearly fall into the "challenging" category. These cycle tours offer varied and exciting cycle routes. Tough climbs, bumpy stages and long stretches await you. But despite the ambitious hours on the bike, there is no shortage of enjoyment. Because these stages are followed by leisurely stretches to enjoy and relax. Browse through our offers with the challenge level "challenging" and find the right cycle tour for you.

"Sporty" cycle tours
The bike is your daily companion and longer day trips or the commute to work don't bother you? Then you certainly have a solid physical condition and strong muscles. That's a good thing, because our cycle tours with a sporty level of difficulty are aimed precisely at these trained cyclists. Hilly terrain, several ascents and longer stretches to the next stage destination characterise our sporty cycling holidays. Combining passion, sport and holiday is easy!

No matter what level of ambition applies to you, every single trip is a unique combination of exercise and enjoyment. Discover the beauty of each country and region from the saddle.
Have fun.