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Our most beautiful cycle tours in the Swiss mountains

cycle tours in a majestic landscape
The Matterhorn

 Majestic and rugged, elegant and dignified, imposing and calm…the mountains of the Alps shape the magical image of the Swiss landscape like nothing else. The serve as a haven of peace, as a place to live, as a source of energy, as an economically important space, as a leisure paradise and as probably the most stunning backdrop for our cycle tours in beautiful Switzerland. Let us take you on an unforgettable cycle tour in Switzerland and suppress that thought that cycle tours in the mountains are only for professionals, because we have a tour for every level! With Eurobike, even crossing the Alps is child’s play! Find out for yourself!

The Matterhorn

Switzerland and its mountains

…belong together like Switzerland and chocolate, watches or cheese. Switzerland is divided into three zones: the Alps, the Central Plateau and the Jura. Around two thirds of the Swiss national territory is taken up by the famous Alps, but only around 10% of the Swiss population lives in this area. The mountains are omnipresent here and part of daily life. No less than 48 mountain peaks in the Swiss mountains are higher than 4000 metres, which puts Switzerland in first place in Europe. It is therefore hardly surprising that our cycle tours in Switzerland are always characterised by the silhouette of the gray giants and a very special charm. Get to know and love the most beautiful cycle tours in the Swiss mountains with us.

Over the breathtaking Gotthard Pass

The Gotthard Pass has been one of the most important connections between north and south since the Middle Ages and was the only way to cross the Alps until car and rail tunnels were built. Today the pass is a spectacular cycle route with impressive views. Our north-south route first takes you along the Jura chain from Basel to Lucerne, before you climb the Gotthard Pass with a transfer then head south with the wind, past mountains, castles and idyllic landscapes.

The Gotthard Pass

Out and about in the Lucerne Alpine foothills

The popular tour in Lucerne will not only give you great views and cycling routes in the Lucerne Alpine foothills, but also give you spectacular views of the neighbouring mountain regions. This cycle tour is mainly based on the beautiful lakes in the area, such as Lake Lucerne, Lake Zug, Lake Sempach and Lake Baldegger. And these cycling stages always have something in common: a stunning view of the Swiss mountains that gives you shivers.

Mountains near Lucerne

Through the famous Rhône Valley

From the alpine village of Oberwald you roll relaxed towards the Rhône valley, which is surrounded by two very special mountain ranges. On the one hand you have your gaze directed towards the Bernese Alps, on the other hand the Valais Alps line our cycle path. The Bernese Alps on the right are heavily glaciated and two of the longest ice streams in the Alps are in this mountain range. The Valais Alps are home to the highest mountain in Switzerland, the Dufourspitze, as well as a few more 4000m peaks. The Rhône route will open up truly wonderful views and amaze you.

View over the Bernese Alps
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