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Fit for the cycling season

Perfectly prepared for your next bike tour
Yoga for mental fitness

Are you ready to get on your bike and start the new season? The fresh air, endless freedom and the opportunity to explore new places - all this awaits you on your bike tour. But before you get on the saddle, it's important to prepare your body.

Don't worry, we have the perfect solution for you! With our simple exercises, you'll be fit and ready to enjoy your next bike ride in no time. And the best part? You can do these exercises in the comfort of your own home! 

And don't forget to inspire your friends and family with these tips - cycling together is even more fun!

Yoga for mental fitness

Getting up to operating temperature

Before you start the actual workout, you should give your body time to warm up. A simple but effective way to activate your muscles is to warm up by running or marching in place.

Don't forget to warm up your arms: Swing them back and forth actively. After just a few minutes, you will feel your body warming up and your motivation will automatically increase. You can prevent injuries with this simple but effective method.

Activation of the calf muscles

Especially when cycling, the calf muscles are particularly stressed, so it is important to actively integrate them into your daily training. A simple exercise to activate your calf muscles is to stand on your toes.

Stand loosely with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Now slowly go up on your toes and hold this position for a few seconds. Then gently lower yourself back down. Repeat this exercise about 20 times to activate and strengthen your calf muscles.

Mobilise neck muscles

When cycling for long periods of time, our neck muscles are put under a lot of strain by the permanent forward gaze. This usually leads to unpleasant pain in the neck area. But to put an end to hardening and tension in the neck area, try this pleasant exercise, which you can do before or between bike rides:

Stand loosely, keep your back straight and gently begin to drop your chin to your chest. Now slowly roll your head from the right to the middle and to the left side and back. Important: Avoid hectic movements and neck circles, as these can be stressful for the cervical spine.

neck stretch

Prepare legs & bottom

It also makes sense for the legs and buttocks to get used to the upcoming tour. Because every cyclist knows the unpleasant aches and pains that can arise after a long bike ride. With the following exercise you can relax your buttock muscles and stretch your leg muscles at the same time:

Stand on a mat with a wide lunge and turn your upper body forward. Both arms point horizontally with the legs forward and back. The front foot also points forward, bend your knee until your thigh is parallel to the mat and your knee is above the ankle. The pelvic bones are aligned forward on both sides. The outer edge of the back foot presses into the floor. Feel a slight stretch in your thigh muscles and try to hold this position.

Core strength for legs and buttocks

Strengthen your core

Strong abdominal muscles are essential for a stable core. To do this, lie on a yoga or gym mat and bend your knees. Place the soles of your feet flat on the floor with your hands behind your head. Now lift your shoulder blades and head off the floor and raise your legs.

Important: The knees should remain bent at a 90-degree angle. Perform this exercise with full body tension for one minute. Relax briefly and repeat this exercise preferably three times.

dry practice

Strengthen your back and release tension

When cycling, our backs are often bent and our gaze is directed upwards, which can cause tension and pain. Therefore, it is important to strengthen our back muscles to avoid these complaints and to ensure a stable saddle seat.

We have a simple exercise for you to do at home. For this exercise, you should kneel on a yoga mat and rest your palms shoulder-width apart on the floor. Make sure that your back remains straight. When you are in a stable quadruped position, raise your right leg horizontally and at the same time stretch your left arm horizontally in the air. Hold this position for about 10 seconds before switching to the other side and lifting your left leg and extending your right arm.

keep body tension

Yoga for mental fitness

Whether you are an experienced cyclist or a beginner, a bike tour requires good preparation. It is not only about physical fitness, but also about mental strength. Therefore, in addition to our helpful training tips, you should also eat a diet rich in carbohydrates and low in fat. Maybe you already have your own individual workout that motivates and inspires you. Or you can try something new, like yoga. Because yoga can help balance body, mind and soul and improve your mental fitness.

Are you looking for a yoga class in Flachgau? Then take a look at the yoga offers by Petra Reiter. There you will surely find a suitable yoga class to find your inner centre and prepare yourself optimally for your next bike tour.

Yoga for mental fitness

Motivation guaranteed!

Get on your bike and out into nature! With these simple and practical exercises, you will quickly notice how annoying tensions and aches and pains on longer bike rides become less and disappear in the long run. What do these exercises have in common with motivation? Both come naturally when you warm up and train!

For those of you who are already planning a cycling tour in spring, it's now time to start preparing! Because cycling is much easier with strong muscles, mental balance and a goal in mind. We wish you lots of fun and unforgettable experiences on your next cycling tour.

Having fun in the new cycling season
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