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Between Pumpkin, Truffles, and Cycling Adventures

Autumn Delights
Enjoying wine while autumn hiking in Piedmont

Fall is one of the most magical times of the year, don't you think? The leaves of the trees glow in the most vibrant colors, and you savor so-called 'comfort food' in various variations, perfectly suited to the cooling temperatures. But while many are drawn indoors, you can enjoy a variety of culinary moments outdoors during this very special season on a cycling holiday in autumn. In this post, we'll share our favorite autumn culinary highlights and take you into a world full of colors, scents, and flavors.

Enjoying wine while autumn hiking in Piedmont

„Spring may be beautiful, but without autumn, though the eye may be satisfied, the stomach would be empty.“

Friedrich von Logau

Pleasure in all its facets

Much like every nation boasts its unique culture, traditions, and attractions, this diversity extends to the culinary world. Regional variety, ingredient accessibility, and cooking traditions have been molding this rich tapestry for centuries, handed down through generations and continually refined, expanded, and reimagined.

This richness offers a delightful treat for cycling enthusiasts eager to delve deeper into the culinary traditions of their travel destinations. Culinary cycling tours experience a surge in popularity during the fall season, as it provides an opportunity to unearth authentic culinary gems along the cycling routes.

Pumpkin, Game and as the Bavarians say 'O’zapft is'

We begin this culinary journey with our neighboring country, Germany. A cycling tour in Bavaria not only offers diverse landscapes but also places a strong emphasis on indulgence. Fall brings with it a variety of pumpkin dishes that can be enjoyed as soups, cakes, pies and also as main dishes. Autumn also marks the start of the hunting season, and with it, you can find game dishes of all kinds on the menus of restaurants. But what would autumn be without the most famous festival? You can probably guess which one we're talking about, can't you? That's right, the Oktoberfest. Pretzels, beer, and sauerkraut can be enjoyed here. It's best to experience it for yourself on a cycling tour through Bavaria.

Snack with bread, white sausages, pretzels, Obazda and beer

Truffles, chestnuts, and 'in vino veritas'

Get on your bike and pedal vigorously because our next stop is in the south, specifically in beautiful Bella Italia. Amidst the most popular dishes like pizza and pasta, there are also other culinary highlights waiting to be discovered during a cycling holiday in Italy. Did you know, for example, that truffle season starts in Italy in the fall?

In regions like Umbria and Tuscany, white truffles are enjoyed in many dishes. This is not only an expensive delicacy but also has a very complex and unique flavor. So, treat yourself to a few grams of delicious truffle on your pasta during your journey. Also, the chestnut season starts in Italy with the arrival of autumn, and these delightful chestnuts can be enjoyed in desserts or roasted. But what would this wonderful season be without the right wine? Can you already imagine yourself surrounded by colorful vineyards with a glass of wine in hand in the middle of Italy's stunning landscape? We certainly can!

Truffle pasta in Alba

Churros, wine, and tapas, amigo

A cycling holiday in Spain quickens the pulse of every cyclist. Scenic dreams stretch as far as the eye can see, accompanied by a gentle sea breeze and Spanish hospitality – this is the recipe for an absolutely perfect cycling vacation. Fall in Spain comes alive with a rich tapestry of traditional festivals celebrating music, dance, and culinary delights.

During this season, you can also savor the grape harvest in Spain, with regions such as La Rioja and Catalonia offering delightful wines to sample. At street markets and festivals, you'll discover the renowned Churros, best enjoyed with a steaming cup of hot chocolate. A standout feature of every cycling vacation in Spain is the array of tapas, available in countless variations. In the fall, fillings featuring mushrooms, chestnuts, or peppers are particularly beloved, transforming the tour into an absolute gastronomic delight.

Mallorcan delicatessen in the old town of Palma

Sturm, goulash, and 'pumpkin seed oil in the blood'

Have you ever come across the saying 'pumpkin seed oil in the blood'? This phrase alludes to pumpkin seed oil, which isn't just popular during the fall but also features in many salads and soups. An Austrian cycling tour promises an array of culinary experiences, especially in the fall. You can savor dishes ranging from game to chestnuts, and don't forget the delightful Sturm.

This youthful wine is crafted from freshly pressed grape juice that hasn't fully fermented, preserving its signature sweet taste. It's a cherished autumnal beverage that complements savory treats like onion tart or pretzels beautifully.

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