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Favourite Tours of the Eurobike-Team

Special treats from our programme
Cyclists on Lake Traunsee

Our team loves being on the road and being busy en route along Europe’s cycling routes. Despite the fact that we have so many stunning holidays in our programme, each of them has their favourite regions and tours. This is the time when we escape everyday life in the office and accompany our guests en route. Whether it is a special culinary or interpersonal experience – we always return to the office with fantastic holiday stories!

Cyclists on Lake Traunsee

Thomas Schmid: Sweden’s West Coast, Kattegat route

For our guests I find myself again and again on a quest for further ‘even more special cycling tours’.

That is why an invitation to an informative trip to Sweden came in very handy. I was slightly puzzled that this holiday did not take me to Stockholm but instead to Kattegatt route.
Starting from Helsingborg we cycled all the way to Gothenburg with the sea always visible. During the entire cycling holiday we were accompanied by diverse landscapes with fjords, sandy beaches and cliff coasts and characteristic Swedish huts. On top of that a truly splendidly developed cycle path, very nice hotels and culinary delights made the cycling kilometres simply fly by…

Naturally I also returned with a few insider tips: if you have never visited a Swedish vineyard, you have a chance to do that during your tour on Day 1 in Nyhamsläge (Kullahalvöns Vingård). I particularly recommend you make a stop at the restaurant Bjãre Fisk & Saldjur (tour: Ängelholm – Halmstad). The fish dish was exquisite and the view onto the sea phenomenal. Especially imposing and interesting was the Li-tomb, as part of the tour from Varberg to Kungsbacka, dating back to the Iron Age and consisting of a formation of more than 100 stones and rocks. This tour is without a doubt a successful combination of nature, cuisine and culture and an outright recommendation to all our cyclists.

Cottages on the west coast of Sweden, portrait of employee

Melanie Neubauer: Lake Reschensee – Lake Garda

For me the Etsch-cycle path from Lake Reschensee to Lake Garda in South Tyrol had a very special appeal. Along the entire tour one is accompanied by the Alpine panorama and yet there is also this emerging Mediterranean flair. On top of that the cycle path mostly descends slightly. As a big highlight you already get to divine Lake Garda shortly before Torbole. My personal culinary highlight took place in Kastelbell in the inn ‘Gstirnerhof’ enjoying a portion of spinach dumplings. This farm with accompanying restaurant is situated slightly hidden from the cycle path and is easy to miss. So, be extra careful here and try not to miss the turn-off for the stop at the restaurant, it is certainly worth it.

Vineyard in South Tyrol, portrait of employee

Sabine Steinleitner: Lake Chiemgau Highlights

The Chiemgau-region awakens a sense of home in me, since I originally come from Bavaria. The special cordiality and the Bavarian laid-back mentality turn the cacle tour Chiemgau Highlights into a very special highlight. This is also indicated by a sign along the cycle path saying ‘Please slow down. It is unhealthy for both people and animals’. Regardless whether you enjoy roast pork in a cosy inn or a fish delicacy on Lake Chiemsee, the food is always out of this world. The sunset over the ‘Bavarian Sea’ together with the mountain panorama or the colourful houses along the Inn-river bend in Wasserburg definitely entice you to stay and spend some time there.

Boats at Lake Chiemsee, picture of a team member

Gudrun Wimmer – Lake Garda - based in one hotel

During the Lake Garda - based in one hotel – just as the title already suggests – Lake Garda is the star of the show. Naturally a boat trip must be part of the itinerary. During the stage ‘Trip into Italy’s history’ the route takes you to Solverino. You cycle through a wine-growing area renowned for the white wine Custoza, which exclusively grows in this region. Just like in wine taverns vintners offer their wine along the way. It is a marvellous opportunity to sample various wines together with bread and prosciutto here and there.
The reason why I am particularly fond of cycle tours based in one hotel is because you avoid packing your suitcases every day and instead get to enjoy the end of the day in the ambience of the same wellness hotel each evening.

Castle at Lake Garda

oscha Koob: Stockholm Loop Tour

Immediately after my arrival in Stockholm I seized the time and embarked on 3-hour long sight-seeing tour through Stockholm. It was a great way to find out many of the hotspots first hand, introducing me to Sweden’s history and I realised: during the Stockholm Loop tour I explore the Land of the Vikings! And once you are in Stockholm a visit to the Vasa-museum is a must. There you also get to marvel at the only globally remaining ship dating back to the 17th century. In the evening I stopped for a bit to eat in the restaurant Knut, a lovely place serving Swedish cuisine from the North (code – reindeer). En route I was fascinated by the diverse scenery and there was always water in my field of vision. Again and again I cycled past little palaces where you get to enjoy delicious pastries or waffles.

Houses in front of rocks in Sweden, portrait of employee

Claudia Wallner: Tuscany Coastline

Pisa, famous for its Leaning Tower, is the starting point of this cycle holiday leading you  along the Tuscany coastline. It goes without saying that a classic photo-stop was a must. The steep cliffs and the white sandy beaches tempted me many times to take a plunge into the cool water. I especially remember the day trip on Elba. It started with a ferry ride to Portoferraio and then I continued by bike. Again and again you come by spectacular bays with turquoise water perfect for a swim. The crowning glory of this day trip was the sunset on the ferry ride back to the mainland. The play of colours was incredible and a crowning finale of this cycling holiday.

Landscape in Tuscany, portrait of employee

Eva Bamberger: Andalusia


Andalusia, the land of Arabian Nights. Along this cycling holiday you experience the vast expanse of the land with its numerous, seemingly neverending olive groves, white villages and delicate palaces carry you off into a different world. In Carmona I spent the night in the Hotel Alkazar de la Reina. A historic building kept in Moorish architecture, carefully renovated with a now new purpose of a hotel. I spent a wonderful evening on the terrace with pool in the courtyard of the hotel. In this moment I became truly aware of Andalusia’s vastness, since from there you get to enjoy a view across the soft rolling hills all the way to the finish: Sevilla.

Castle in Andalusia

Valerian Höfler: Munich Lakes Tour

Characteristic dishes such as braised pork leg and ‘Weißwurst’-saussages have especially shaped the Cycle Tour Munich Lakes Tour situated in the South of Munich. Everybody knows the saying that Bavarian saussages must not last until the lunchtime bells chime, which is why they are usually served for breakfast. That suited me perfectly because it meant I had lots of energy for the cycling stages. As you have probably guessed by now: I am a foodie! 😊
Cycling past lush green meadows or at the light-blue lakes such as Lake Tegernsee, Lake Sylvensteinsee or Lake Starnberger See, you can really take a break from everyday life and leave all your cares behind. I was especially fascinated by the steady swelling of the river Isar along the route. Insider tip: in Garmisch I recommend you take a ride on the Eckbauer-Bahn gondola lift up to the restaurant and then enjoy a beautiful walk through the Partnach-ravine back to the hotel.

River surrounded by trees, mountain in the background

Andreas Schintlmeister: Venice – Florence

Already at the start of this cycling holiday Venice awaits. I arrived slightly earlier, dropped my luggage in our hotel in Mestre and only after a short train ride I was in town with its numerous canals. The ride through the Po-river delta was most impressive. You cycle on a gravel path with water on both sides to the left and right of you where thousands of pink flamingos bathed. This was the closest I have ever been to these animals on any of our cycling holidays. My personal highlight however on this tour was the restaurant Latini in Florence. This was the place where I enjoyed the best ‘Bistecca Fiorentina’. The meat – usually a T-bone steak – is exclusively prepared on the BBQ and is only seasoned with salt, pepper and olive oil. All I can say is it nearly brought me down to my knees and my personal  culinary highlight on this Cycling Holiday from Venice to Florence.

Bridge in Venice, Portrait of employee

Semiramis Feitler: Mallorca – Bull’s Eye

Mallorca as a holiday destination is associated by many with partying and clubbing-holidays. During my cycling holiday Mallorca – Bull’s Eye, however I got to find out that there is a different side to this Balearic island. Very unexpected was the stunningly beautiful and relaxing rural flair in the heart of the island. The route was lined with orange and almond trees with sheep grazing under them. The view onto the Tramuntana mountains and the field poppies completed this very atmospheric image of Mallorca. Despite everything though you also cycle along the coast. So you also get to enjoy a little bit of beach holiday! As part of Catalonia the island has naturally a lot to offer on the culinary side. In Sencelles at the Plaza situated in the middle of the village I got to enjoy the renowned ‘Pa amb Oli’, roasted bread classically topped with tomato, olive oil and salt. Sometimes it is also served with serrano ham. An awesome snack on the side to replenish your energy levels needed for the rest of the cycling tour.

Palma de Mallorca, picture of a team member
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